2025 Ogoki Wildlife Recovery

Ogoki Wildfire Recovery

Reforestation Project and Memorial Trees in Ontario

Sympathy Gifts That Live Forever

Trees are being planted in the Ogoki Forest region of central Ontario to aid recovery efforts from the devastating wildfires across Canada. Hundreds of thousands of animals and insects were killed or displaced, the local rivers and lakes were contaminated by ash and debris, and roughly three billion tons of carbon dioxide were emitted. In addition to helping pull carbon from the atmosphere to improve the climate, planting trees in areas previously affected by wildfires is crucial to restoring ecosystems and supporting food sources and populations. By reforesting these areas, native species will be reintroduced which are vital for maintaining biodiversity. As the forest matures, the trees will help provide shelter for moose, support berry bushes in the understory for bears, and protect woodland caribou from predation.

Trees Available


Jack pine, Black spruce, and White spruce

Our Impact

On The Planet

Learn More


More than 50% of U.S. drinking water comes from forests. Trees pull water out from the ground and release it back into the rivers and lakes. 


Trees have been dubbed the “lungs of the Earth” because they absorb pollutants and filter contaminants in the air. 


One large tree can provide a day’s supply of oxygen for up to 4 people, while 2 ac. of forest provides enough for 500+ people each year. 


Trees break down organic matter then release nutrients back into the soil, which counteracts plants that take these nutrients out of the soil. 


Tree root systems absorb water and stabilize soil, which help prevent erosion, flooding, and other natural disasters from happening. 


Trees are essential to wildlife and ecosystems. They provide food, protection, and homes for many birds and mammals. 

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